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TM1 10.1.1 Architect without full functionalities

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:22 pm
by olapc
I installed new TM 10.1.1 locally to our server for educational purposes. Performance modeler and Insight are working just fine with full functionalities but with Architect I cannot create any cubes, dimension or processes. I can create and modify views and subsets but thats about it. Anyone else experienced same kind of problems? I dont seem to work around this problem so I turn to you, if you have suggestions or solutions to this problem or "feature".

Thanks in advance!

Re: TM1 10.1.1 Architect without full functionalities

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:03 pm
by tomok
olapc wrote:I installed new TM 10.1.1 locally to our server for educational purposes. Performance modeler and Insight are working just fine with full functionalities but with Architect I cannot create any cubes, dimension or processes. I can create and modify views and subsets but thats about it. Anyone else experienced same kind of problems? I dont seem to work around this problem so I turn to you, if you have suggestions or solutions to this problem or "feature".

Thanks in advance!
You are running it without the admin license installed, that's why you can't do any of the admin functions.

Re: TM1 10.1.1 Architect without full functionalities

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:20 am
by ZaimRaza
Could you please tell me from where you download TM1 for educational purpose. I need this ASAP as well as.

Thanks in advance,
Zaim Raza.

Re: TM1 10.1.1 Architect without full functionalities

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:31 pm
by skinners666