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PA & CA on the Same Box

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 1:18 pm
by jim wood
Hey Guys,

Has anybody had any success with installing PA and CA on the same box? We currently have CA running on the web server using IIS. I'm worried about installing PA on the same box due to possible conflicts etc,


PS. The server is Server 2016.

Re: PA & CA on the Same Box

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 9:55 pm
by burnstripe
Hi Jim,

PA/PAW/CA could all reside on the same server although for a live environment I'd recommend splitting them onto different if only to keep paw and it's docker goodness separated for that time when a patch is rolled out which breaks paw :roll:

Or you'd split them to maximum your pvu licence count since paw is an add on, only the server running the admin server will be counted towards the pvu.

There's nothing stopping you from with having all services running on the same box though, all ports can be changed (some will need to be to changed for example iis and paw both use ports 80 and 443 by default, but either can be changed)

Also note there will also be a port conflict on 9510 as both spreadsheet services and tm1 applications use this port by default