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Testing around Planning Analytics and Version Controlling

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 6:09 am
by Arden
Hello wonderful folks,
I am Arden, a newbie to TM1/Planning Analytics and a new member to this forum. I am now a part of a team that is trying to work with TM1 in our org but really do not have deep knowledge around this technology. However, I am daring to learn and move forward and have been doing so for the last 3+ weeks - learning and working. And I think I have found the right forum here where people are helping each other learn and grow in this niche space.

Thus I am reaching out to you for help. Could you please be kind to go through some questions below and let me know your thoughts/pointers/suggestions/way forward?

As part of my initial tasks, we are aiming to do an upgrade for TM1 / PA to its latest version - and thus am ideating on how to go around doing the extensive testing of all components in our TM1 application.
  • 1- Automated Testing:
    I am trying to explore if we can carry out Automated Testing in any way for objects in TM1- like
    TI Processes, Workbooks, Cube loads, Dimension loads, etc..
    Have any of you done this successfully and found out a way to do automated testing of TM1 components?

    This question has become all the more important it seems because the previous team who was handling the TM1 application spent much time and effort in manually testing each and every important TM1 component/object - anytime the application needed to be upgraded to a new TM1 Version.

    I am trying to explore if we can bring in automated testing in any form to our TM1 App - be it integrating it with any other testing tools or a self - service tool in itself or anything else for that matter. But to my limited knowledge in this space, it seems I am not able to see any way forward to bring in Automated Testing to our TM1 App. I am very sure I am missing something owing to my being new to this technology.

    Could you please let me know your thoughts on the above topic? I would be deeply grateful for your insights on this.
  • 2- Version Controlling:
    Is there any way Version Control can be implemented in a TM1/PA application? Have any of you done this or at least a part of this if not fully?

    We feel TM1 lacks this important element of Version Control which has become imperative in any other important technologies. Is there any way this could be done -
    • Can TM1 be integrated to Gitlab/Github or any other existing versatile versioning tools?
    • Or maybe any custom solution to TM1 you would have built to bring in Version controlling?
  • 3- Audit Trail in TM1/PA:
    Is there any way an Audit Trail could be implemented in a TM1 Application? Say for any of the TM1 objects like cubes/dimensions/TI processes, maintaining an Audit Trail around below but not limited to.
    • what changes were done to the object
    • by whom and when
    • any data changes done like what cube data has changed from its previous instance or what dimension elements have changed
    Can this be done in TM1/PA Application in any way?
Please let me know your pointers/suggestions on the above topics. If you have implemented any of them fully or at least partially in any form, your insights would be really really helpful.

I request your kind help on the above.

Thank you!


Re: Testing around Planning Analytics and Version Controlling

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:05 pm
by Bakkone