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Stats by pool

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 8:35 pm
by Wim Gielis

I wrote a fairly avanced TI process to load the pool statistics into a cube, rather than generate 1,100+ text files.
(19.69 KiB) Downloaded 737 times
It uses the DebugUtility number 134 based on the information in this topic:

The pools themselves are not incorporated in the cube, in a really small TM1 model I counted over 20,000 such pools.
I guess that a simple loop over numbers and generating a text file with DebugUtility is more useful going forward.
If someone extends my TI process or finds an error, let me know.

Now that this TI process is there let’s try to see if we can get ‘information’ from the data.

Enjoy !