Blank for List Item in PAW Button Parameters

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Joined: Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:01 pm
OLAP Product: Planning Analytics
Version: 2.0.7 PAW v46
Excel Version: 19

Blank for List Item in PAW Button Parameters

Post by dmillerksu »


I have a PAW button on a workbook targeting a process. For one parameter, I want to use a List with just a value and a blank, except I can't figure out how to make a blank an option. It obviously defaults to blank, but can't be changed back after. Does anyone know a workaround for this without telling the user to just cancel the button selection? For the list input box, I've tried:
" ",Manual
Manual, ,
Manual," ",

Telling them to just click cancel requires them to reselect the other parameters. Not a huge issue, but wondering if anyone knew. We could obviously manage this with picklists and data validation lists in Excel websheets before.

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