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Lock reporting periods in TM1

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:16 pm
by WayneBo
Hi All:

Have a question regarding to the data security.

We have a Financial Reporting cube, made up by dimension: Version (ie, actual, budget, forecast) ,Year, Month, Entities, GLAccount and GLMeasure.
GLMeasure dimension has measurement like: Balance, Opening Balance, Closing Balance, etc.

We upload our trail balances from our accounting system into TM1 after each month end.

How do I lock the previous period results after the final uploading in TM1?
Just like lock the periods in accounting system, the users still able to view the previous results, but just can not make any changes.

Please kindly help and let me know.

Thank you

Re: Lock reporting periods in TM1

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 12:25 am
by kangkc
A quick and flexible way, set up a locking cube comprises of Version, Year, Month which allow you to set a string value of 'Lock', 'Unlock'.
Write a Cell Security rule in the Financial Reporting Cube to reference this locking cube. If the intersection of Version,Year,Month is 'Lock', set access to READ , else WRITE.
There may be more dimensions involved but above is just a simple illustration.