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Getting the Worm

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:44 am
by Alan Kirk
Although I still barely have time to read my e-mails at the moment, much less inhabit the Forum, I was intrigued by the following which popped into my inbox this morning:
Early Bird deadline extended for IBM Cognos TM1 customers.
Dear Alan,

There's one sure way to connect with people who know Cognos best. It's by attending Cognos Forum Asia Pacific 2008, your launch pad for accelerating knowledge.
Essentially, the "early bird" booking discount for the AP conference on the Gold Coast is being extended to July 18.

I'm wondering if they're not getting quite as many early birds, or indeed any TM1 birds, as they expected.

I'm also wondering if this might have something to do with stretching the friendship (and peoples' travel budgets) by holding it over three entire days in a corner of the country which is more than a little distant from the bulk of their user base.

If it was in Sydney, I'd go... for two of the days, not all three. If it was in Canberra, I'd go with the same proviso. If it was in Melbourne, I'd most likely go even though it'd mean a trip through either airport security or Victoria's unmarked, Orwellian and legally suspect speed cameras, both of which I hate with equal passion.

But Queensland for 3 days? Too far, too long. And early birds can't change that.