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TM1 application display problem

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:04 am
by wang_chris
I created a series of applications in TM1 architect, all those are visible in TM1 architect.

But when I access TM1 with TM1Web, I found 2 kinds of application can not be seen.
1) those applications with no item below it;
2) those applications with TM1 process below it;

Other applications with sub-application, or view, or files below it, can still be seen in TM1Web.

Those missing applications are existing in fact, just can't be display in TM1Web, since I can find them in TM1 Architect. There is nothing to do with permission, since I have not set permission yet.

Is there any setting wrong of mine, why TM1 Web doesn't display the same as architect? How can I make them same?


Re: TM1 application display problem

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:11 am
by declanr
This is expected behaviour for 10.2+

TM1 Web in general just doesn't show applications folders with no objects in them as there is nothing you can do with them; as of 10.2 you can't run TI processes from the web (other than by using an action button in a websheet) so as far as TM1 Web is concerned an application folder with only TI processes as objects in it - is the same as an empty folder.

EDIT - Noticed it states you are on 10.1 not 10.2. In that case you can enable the "administration" option in the web config file in order to run TI processes from the web but I still can't recall whether they show up under application folders, I have a feeling that they didn't.

Re: TM1 application display problem

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:09 am
by wang_chris
The version of mine is 10.1.1.

Is the file you mentioned 'Web.config' under 'Installationdir\tm1_64\TM1Web' ?

There is no 'administration' option in 'Web.config', but below information.

<appSettings file="tm1web.config">
<!-- NavTreeDisplayServerView: Y/N - Whether to display "Server View" node in navigation tree -->
<add key="NavTreeDisplayServerView" value="Y" />
<!-- NavTreeDisplayAdministration: Y/N - Whether to display "Administration" node in navigation tree -->
<add key="NavTreeDisplayAdministration" value="Y" />


Re: TM1 application display problem

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:15 am
by declanr
I was referring to NavTreeDisplayAdministration. You already have it set to Y so you should already see the administration tree in TM1 Web and therefore be able to run processes from it.
I would be more inclined to create a websheet for the users to run relevant TIs from though.

Re: TM1 application display problem

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:32 am
by wang_chris
Thanks a lot, it seems making a websheet is a workround.

Just wondering why IBM keeps TM1Web the same as architect.

Re: TM1 application display problem

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:32 am
by roy2087
Hi Declanr and Wang_Chris ,

Even , I was facing the same issue.

Just wanted to know couple of things:-
1) Is TM1 Perspective and TM1 Websheet the same ?
2) IF not , can we add TM1 Perspective in TM1 Web ?
