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TM1Py Support by Cubewise

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:16 pm
by MariusWirtz
Starting this year we will offer "TM1Py Support by Cubewise".

I want to announce this quickly myself as well as answer a couple of questions people might have to avoid any misunderstandings.

TL/DR: TM1Py Support by Cubewise in no way compromises the open-source nature of the project.

▶ Why are we doing this?

Free support in GitHub is great, but some users (or others in their organization) have indicated that they want or need a TM1Py version with guaranteed support.

▶ What does that mean for TM1Py?

All bug reports and questions on GitHub will continue to be answered.
TM1Py will continue to be free and open source with the same licensing model.

So the offering is not TM1Py itself, but a professional service wrapped around it that provides compliance and support.

▶ What does that mean for me, as a casual TM1Py user?

If you were looking for professional support for your TM1Py implementations, today is your lucky day :)

If you don't need Cubewise support you can ignore this and continue using TM1Py exactly as you did in the past.
In the long run, we believe this should benefit all users of TM1Py directly or indirectly by enabling additional adopters that could not use TM1Py without support; and widespread adoption is ultimately a key driver for the success of robust open-source software.

▶ Why would I sign up for this support?

Because it's good :) Here are the key features:
🗸 Access to the ticketing system
🗸 Guaranteed response time of 24 hours
🗸 Guaranteed fixes for bugs and flaws
🗸 Priority on requests on the TM1Py product roadmap
🗸 Support for RushTI, CubeCalc, and MDXpy
🗸 Time for code review and mentoring

Check out the full details here:

▶ Why is TM1Py itself actually free and open-source?

Similarly to Bedrock, we believe TM1Py is a very useful instrument to do good TM1 implementations everywhere.
We think the ongoing migration of TM1 and other systems to the cloud and the exploding popularity of Python makes TM1Py more and more relevant going forward.

We also firmly believe that TM1Py can only succeed as an open-source project.
Indeed, many of the core features in TM1Py were not written by Cubewisers, but by "casual TM1Py users" who wanted to add a missing feature.
We would much rather co-develop the best possible version of TM1Py together with the TM1 community than keep a less good version of TM1Py to ourselves.

Please respond to this thread if you have any questions or concerns or reach out through mail: