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TM1 and Planning Analytics Workspace on Same Server 2016 Machine

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 4:00 pm
by codingCPA
Does anyone have experience running TM1 and Planning analytics Workspace on the same server 2016 machine? We're experimenting with a new setup in azure and can't seem to get it to work like we are able to on our server 2008 environment with PAW running on a Linux virtual machine. The issue is that we can't seem to be able to find the correct URI's to get Workspace to be able to connect to TM1. On our 2008 environment, we are able to use localhost. IBM says this won't work in a server 2016 environment (can confirm it doesn't). Using the universal address of our sever that they are both running on doesn't seem to work either. They have some other IP's listed in support but nothing I can find on IBM's site seems to work.

Any insights here??

Thanks in advance.

Re: TM1 and Planning Analytics Workspace on Same Server 2016 Machine

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:46 pm
by codingCPA
Worked this one out. Ended up finding the internal IP that the containers were using and using that and things are all hooked up now.

Re: TM1 and Planning Analytics Workspace on Same Server 2016 Machine

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:07 am
by tez
Hi codingCPA

I'm glad I found your post as I'm having the exact same issue with an installation of TM1 & PAW on the same MS Server 2016 vm.

I have all the sample TM1 servers installed on Planning Analytics 2.0.3, but only have the Planning Sample TM1 Server running, & using its HTTPPortNumber of 12354 for the Login Server URI.

The PAW IP is & the gateway is, but when I try this in the PAW admin tool config, I get timeout errors. True IP of the vm is

PAW config.PNG
PAW config.PNG (41.52 KiB) Viewed 7828 times

Does anyone have any idea where I'm going wrong?

Thanks in advance

Re: TM1 and Planning Analytics Workspace on Same Server 2016 Machine

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 3:20 pm
by dr.nybble
You may have to add firewall rules to permit it. Even communication on the same box can be blocked by the Windows firewall.

Try to temporarily disable it to see if that addresses the problem.

Re: TM1 and Planning Analytics Workspace on Same Server 2016 Machine

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:05 am
by tez
Hi dr.nybble

Fantastic, thanks for worked! :D


Re: TM1 and Planning Analytics Workspace on Same Server 2016 Machine

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:20 am
by trentban
have you guys experienced any performance issues with them being on the same server?

Re: TM1 and Planning Analytics Workspace on Same Server 2016 Machine

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:14 pm
by dharav9

I also received the same error. Anyone know how could i resolve this?

When i utilized FQDN in admin tool:

When i utilized PAW Gateway:


Please feel free if you require further information.

How to check whether internal port is blocked or not?

Thank You


Re: TM1 and Planning Analytics Workspace on Same Server 2016 Machine

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:26 pm
by dharav9
Hi, All

I found out the cause behind that error. As it was UAT server, i install Planning Analytics in non-production mode so that IBM Cognos TM1 services wont found and that was causing port 9510 to ping. I install to production type and admin tool got validated with HNS IP address.

Now when i am trying to execute PAW url then i see blue authenticating screen then it throws error. While throwing the error URL changed to In cognos BI configuration window, external dispatcher configured with FQDN as follow:

It seems due to configuration of admin tool (where hns ip ( has been utilized instead of FQDN), PAW tries to authenticate on that url instead of FQDN url which is defined in the cognos configuration. How could we create a bridge so that HNS IP address url point to public ip adress?

Please Advise.

Thank You
