AutoHotKey - run TM1 as a service or as an application

Ideas and tips for enhancing your TM1 application
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Wim Gielis
Posts: 3128
Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:26 pm
OLAP Product: TM1, Jedox
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AutoHotKey - run TM1 as a service or as an application

Post by Wim Gielis »

Hi all,

Here is a custom script of mine to set up a TM1 server quickly and run it as an application or service.
It will be useful to those who set up TM1 models rather frequently (be it new models or test TM1 models or setting up a model locally to verify), etc.

Go to Windows Explorer and start the tool. The first action of the tool is to navigate to the folder containing the tm1s.cfg file. Some knowledge of AHK is needed. I assign the shortcut Alt-F12 but you choose what you like best ;-)
The script contains a number of options, for example create a tm1s.cfg file if it does not exist, select the data directory by clicking the folder name, assigning random port numbers, create custom folders, etc.

Communication with you, the user, is done via a GUI. The rationale behind this script is saving time and effort because of typo's, repetitive actions, looking up folder names and so on, copying existing files and folders, ... after setting up a few 100s of these I got pretty tired :lol:
tm1_ahksetuptm1model00_EN.png (26.58 KiB) Viewed 29679 times
You only need this code and no other libraries.

All feedback is welcomed.

Best regards,


Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force

; Alt-F12 | Create a shortcut to run a TM1 model as an application or service
; Wim Gielis
; October 2019
; Remarks:
; - output is a shortcut or a service to run a TM1 model
; - with a userform to guide the user
; - the tm1s.cfg file can be created/updated
; - the config file for TM1 is not necessarily part of the TM1 data directory
; - there is only 1 folder for the TM1 data directory
; - the TM1 logging directory is part of the TM1 data directory, and is called "Logs", unless you choose the logging directory yourself
; - TM1 server name can be set too. Do this before launching this tool. A number of other settings are set in this script, though, for your convenience
; - you can also delete all commentary lines (lines starting with #). For instance, IBM's cfg file is quite big and not needed for simple models
; - and a lot more !

; initializations for starting a local TM1 model

    ; initializations for Windows

    ; IniRead, cWin_Username, %INI_Settings_File%, Win_Settings, Win_username, %c00%
    ; IniRead, cWin_Password, %INI_Settings_File%, Win_Settings, Win_password, %c00%
    cWin_Username := ...\...
	cWin_Password := ...

    ; IniRead, cPath_TM1s_exe, %INI_Settings_File%, TM1, Path_TM1s_exe, %c00%
    ; cPath_TM1s_exe := ReplaceEnvVars(cPath_TM1s_exe)
	; IfNotExist, %cPath_TM1s_exe%
       cPath_TM1s_exe := "C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\tm1s.exe"

    SplitPath, cPath_TM1s_exe, , dir
    cPath_TM1sd_exe := % dir . "\tm1sd.exe"

!F12:: ; <-- (Windows Explorer) Create a shortcut or service to run a TM1 model
GoSub, ReadIn_TM1_server_location_Settings
currentpath :=
    v =
    v := GetSelectedFileFolderNames_UnderCursor()
	if v
	   currentpath = %v%
        v := GetSelectedFileFolderNames_FolderYouSee()
	    if v
	       currentpath = %v%
currentpath := StrSplit(currentpath, "`n" )[1]

if InStr( FileExist(currentpath), "D") == 0
	; take the folder
    SplitPath, currentpath, , currentpath

gui, destroy
gui, tm1_as_app:new

gui, add, Button, vBut1 gBut x10 y+20 w150, Select folder of TM1s.cfg
gui, add, edit, vEdi1 x+20 w500 r1 gChanged_Editbox
gui, add, CheckBox, vChbx1 x+20

gui, add, Button, vBut2 gBut x10 w150, Select data dir
gui, add, edit, vEdi2 x+20 w500 r1 gChanged_Editbox
gui, add, CheckBox, vChbx2 x+20

gui, add, Button, vBut3 gBut x10 w150, Select logging dir
gui, add, edit, vEdi3 x+20 w500 r1 gChanged_Editbox
gui, add, CheckBox, vChbx3 x+20

gui, add, Button, vBut4 gBut x10 w150, TM1 server exe
gui, add, edit, vEdi4 x+20 w500 r1 gChanged_Editbox
gui, add, CheckBox, vChbx4 x+20

gui, add, Button, vBut6 gBut x10 w150, Select folder of shortcut
gui, add, edit, vEdi6 x+20 w500 r1 gChanged_Editbox
gui, add, CheckBox, vChbx6 x+20

gui, add, Text, x10 w150, Shortcut / service name
gui, add, edit, vEdi5 x+20 w500 r1 gChanged_Editbox
gui, add, CheckBox, vChbx5 x+20

gui, add, Text, x10 w150, Specify the TM1 model name
gui, add, edit, vEdi7 x+20 w500 r1 gChanged_Editbox
gui, add, CheckBox, vChbx7 x+20

gui, add, Text, x10 w150, Username for the service
gui, add, edit, vEdi8 x+20 w500 r1 gChanged_Editbox
gui, add, CheckBox, vChbx8 x+20

gui, add, Text, x10 w150, Password for the username
gui, add, edit, vEdi9 x+20 w500 r1 gChanged_Editbox Password
gui, add, CheckBox, vChbx9 x+20

Gui, add, ListBox, r2 x250 choose1 gChanged_AppOrService vAppOrService, Create a shortcut|Create a service
Gui, add, CheckBox, Checked0 vChbx_RunModel x10 y+20, Run the TM1 model ?
Gui, add, CheckBox, Checked vChbx_Put_In_Default_Values, Put in default values ?
Gui, add, CheckBox, Checked0 x10 vChbx_Create_Addit_Folders, Create additional folders ?
Gui, add, CheckBox, Checked vChbx_Remove_Unnecessary_Lines, Remove unnecessary lines that are commented out ?
Gui, add, ListBox, r2 choose1 vAdminHostChoice, Localhost|%A_computername%
Gui, add, ListBox, r4 choose4 vChoresChoice, Delete chores|Deactivate chores|Activate chores|Leave untouched

GuiControl,,Edi1, %currentpath%
GuiControl,,Edi4, %cPath_TM1s_exe%

GuiControl,,Edi8, %cWin_Username%
GuiControl, Disable, Edi8
GuiControl, Disable, Chbx8
GuiControl,,Edi9, %cWin_Password%
GuiControl, Disable, Edi9
GuiControl, Disable, Chbx9

gui, add, Button, vBut7 gBut w100, Exit
gui, add, Button, vBut8 gBut x+150 w200 Default, Create

gui, show, , Run a TM1 model


  gui, Submit, NoHide
  If (a_guicontrol = "But1") {
	FileSelectFolder, fld, *%Edi1%, 3, Select the folder containing the tm1s.cfg file`n(if missing it can be generated)
	If ErrorLevel
	   fld := RegExReplace(fld, "\\$")
       GuiControl,,Edi1, % fld

  If (a_guicontrol = "But2") {
    If( %Edi2% <> "" )
       FileSelectFolder, fld, *%Edi2%
       FileSelectFolder, fld, *%Edi1%
    If ErrorLevel
	   fld := RegExReplace(fld, "\\$")
       GuiControl,,Edi2, % fld
  If (a_guicontrol = "But3") {
    If( %Edi3% <> "" )
       FileSelectFolder, fld, *%Edi3%
       FileSelectFolder, fld, *%Edi1%
    If ErrorLevel
	   fld := RegExReplace(fld, "\\$")
       GuiControl,,Edi3, % fld
  If (a_guicontrol = "But4") {
	FileSelectFile, fil, 3, %cPath_TM1s_exe%, Select the TM1s.exe file (*.exe)
    If ErrorLevel
       GuiControl,,Edi4, % fil
  If (a_guicontrol = "But6") {
	FileSelectFolder, fld, *%Edi1%, 3, Select the folder that will contain the shortcut
	If ErrorLevel
	   fld := RegExReplace(fld, "\\$")
       GuiControl,,Edi6, % fld

  If (a_guicontrol = "But7") {
    gui, destroy
  If (a_guicontrol = "But8") {

    c01 = %Edi1%\tm1s.cfg

    ; treating the TM1 data directory
    vExisting_Cfg := FileExist(c01)
    IniWrite, %Edi7%, %c01%, TM1S, ServerName

    DataDirFolder := Edi2
    Folder_Data_Dir = %DataDirFolder%
    IniWrite, %Folder_Data_Dir%  , %c01%, TM1S, DataBaseDirectory

    LoggingDirFolder := Edi3
    Folder_Log_Dir = %LoggingDirFolder%
	If FileExist( Folder_Log_Dir )
       IniWrite, %Folder_Log_Dir%   , %c01%, TM1S, LoggingDirectory
          Folder_Log_Dir = %Folder_Data_Dir%\Logs
	      FileCreateDir, %Folder_Log_Dir%
          IniWrite, %Folder_Log_Dir%   , %c01%, TM1S, LoggingDirectory	   
	IniWrite, %AdminHostChoice%  , %c01%, TM1S, AdminHost

    ; add/update other much used settings in the TM1 data directory
    If Chbx_Put_In_Default_Values = 1
    IniWrite, 1                  , %c01%, TM1S, IntegratedSecurityMode
    IniWrite, F                  , %c01%, TM1S, UseSSL
    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, EnableTIDebugging
    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, PersistentFeeders
    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, EnableNewHierarchyCreation

    Random, OutputVar, 8005, 8100
    IniWrite, %OutputVar%        , %c01%, TM1S, HttpPortNumber

    Random, OutputVar, 5000, 49151
    IniWrite, %OutputVar%        , %c01%, TM1S, PortNumber

    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, ParallelInteraction
    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, EnableTIDebugging
    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, ForceReevaluationOfFeedersForFedCellsOnDataChange
    IniWrite, all                , %c01%, TM1S, MTQ

    EnvGet, ProcessorCount, number_of_processors
    IniWrite, %ProcessorCount%   , %c01%, TM1S, MaximumCubeLoadThreads

    IniWrite, F                  , %c01%, TM1S, TopLogging
    IniWrite, 2                  , %c01%, TM1S, TopScanFrequency
    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, TopScanMode.Threads

    IniWrite, F                  , %c01%, TM1S, MTFeeders
    IniWrite, Kerberos           , %c01%, TM1S, SecurityPackageName
    IniWrite, ENG                , %c01%, TM1S, Language
    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, MTQQuery
    IniWrite, 5000               , %c01%, TM1S, MaximumViewSize
    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, VersionedListControlDimensions
    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, LoadPrivateSubsetsOnStartup
    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, ReduceCubeLockingOnDimensionUpdate
    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, EventLogging
    IniWrite, 1                  , %c01%, TM1S, EventScanFrequency
    IniWrite, 0                  , %c01%, TM1S, EventThreshold.PooledMemoryInMB
    IniWrite, 5                  , %c01%, TM1S, EventThreshold.ThreadBlockingNumber
    IniWrite, 600                , %c01%, TM1S, EventThreshold.ThreadRunningTime
    IniWrite, 20                 , %c01%, TM1S, EventThreshold.ThreadWaitingTime
    IniWrite, T                  , %c01%, TM1S, PullInvalidationSubsets
    IniWrite, F                  , %c01%, TM1S, PerformanceMonitorOn
    IniWrite, F                  , %c01%, TM1S, AuditLogOn
    IniWrite, 1800s              , %c01%, TM1S, AuditLogUpdateInterval
    IniWrite, 2 GB               , %c01%, TM1S, AuditLogMaxFileSize
    IniWrite, 1 GB               , %c01%, TM1S, AuditLogMaxQueryMemory
    IniWrite, 10                 , %c01%, TM1S, ClientPropertiesSyncInterval

    IniRead, LoggingDirectory    , %c01%, TM1S, LoggingDirectory,
    FileCreateDir, %LoggingDirectory%\FileRetry
    IniWrite, %LoggingDirectory%\FileRetry , %c01%, TM1S, FileRetry.FileSpec
    IniWrite, 5                  , %c01%, TM1S, FileRetry.Count
    IniWrite, 2000               , %c01%, TM1S, FileRetry.Delay

    IniRead, LoggingDirectory    , %c01%, TM1S, LoggingDirectory,
    FileCreateDir, %LoggingDirectory%\RawStore
    IniWrite, %LoggingDirectory%\RawStore , %c01%, TM1S, RawStoreDirectory
    FileCreateDir, %LoggingDirectory%\DistribPlanningOutputDir
    IniWrite, %LoggingDirectory%\DistribPlanningOutputDir , %c01%, TM1S, DistributedPlanningOutputDir

    IniDelete                    , %c01%, TM1S, IPAddressV4
    IniDelete                    , %c01%, TM1S, ServerCAMURI
    IniDelete                    , %c01%, TM1S, ClientCAMURI
    IniDelete                    , %c01%, TM1S, ClientPingCAMPassport


	; create additional folders
    If Chbx_Create_Addit_Folders = 1
	    FileCreateDir, %Edi6%\Install files
	    FileCreateDir, %Edi6%\Project files\Control files
	    FileCreateDir, %Edi6%\Project files\Documentation
	    FileCreateDir, %Edi6%\Project files\Input\Data
	    FileCreateDir, %Edi6%\Project files\Input\Metadata
	    FileCreateDir, %Edi6%\Project files\Output
	    FileCreateDir, %Edi6%\Project files\Progress
	    FileCreateDir, %Edi6%\Project files\Templates
	    FileCreateDir, %Edi6%\Project files\Testing
	    FileCreateDir, %Edi6%\Scripts
	    FileCreateDir, %Edi6%\TM1Backup

	; delete unnecessary lines, only for already existing tm1s.cfg files
    If Chbx_Remove_Unnecessary_Lines = 1
        If vExisting_Cfg
           all =
           Loop, Read, %c01%
           If A_LoopReadLine=
	           StringLeft, tmp, A_LoopReadLine, 1
               If( tmp != "#" ) ;If this line isn't starting with # character
                   all = %all%`r`n%A_LoopReadLine%
           StringTrimLeft, all, all, 2 ;Removes first `r`n line
           FileDelete, %c01%
           FileAppend, %all%, %c01%

    ; chores logic
	If ChoresChoice = "Delete chores"
       IniDelete                    , %c01%, TM1S, StartupChores
	   FileDelete, %Folder_Data_Dir%\*.cho
    Else If ChoresChoice = Deactivate chores
           IniDelete                    , %c01%, TM1S, StartupChores
           Loop Files, %Folder_Data_Dir%\*.cho
		   FileRead, OutputVar, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
           SearchTerm := "537,1"
		   If InStr(OutputVar, SearchTerm )
           all =
           Loop, Read, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
		   If A_LoopReadLine=
	           StringLeft, tmp, A_LoopReadLine, 5
               If tmp = 537,1
				  all = %all%`r`n537,0
                  all = %all%`r`n%A_LoopReadLine%
           StringTrimLeft, all, all, 2
           FileDelete, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
           FileAppend, %all%, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
    Else If ChoresChoice = Activate chores
           Loop Files, %Folder_Data_Dir%\*.cho
		   FileRead, OutputVar, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
           SearchTerm := "537,0"
		   If InStr(OutputVar, SearchTerm )
           all =
           Loop, Read, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
		   If A_LoopReadLine=
	           StringLeft, tmp, A_LoopReadLine, 5
               If tmp = 537,0
				  all = %all%`r`n537,1
                  all = %all%`r`n%A_LoopReadLine%
           StringTrimLeft, all, all, 2
           FileDelete, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
           FileAppend, %all%, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
    If AppOrService = Create a shortcut
	   ; the shortcut to launch the model
       FileCreateShortcut, %cPath_TM1s_exe%, %Edi6%\%Edi5%.lnk, , -z"%Edi1%"
	   ; run the shortcut / TM1 model
       If Chbx_RunModel = 1
          Run, %Edi6%\%Edi5%.lnk
	Else If AppOrService = Create a service
       ; full_command_line := GetParentDir( cPath_TM1s_exe, 1 )
       ; full_command_line := full_command_line . "\tm1sd.exe -install"
       full_command_line := cPath_TM1sd_exe
       full_command_line := full_command_line . " -n""" . Edi5 . """"
       full_command_line := full_command_line . " -z""" . GetParentDir( c01, 1) . """"
       full_command_line := full_command_line . " -u" . Edi8
       full_command_line := full_command_line . " -w" . Edi9

	   If (A_IsAdmin)
          RunWait %full_command_line%,, Hide
          RunWait *RunAs %full_command_line%,, Hide
       if (ErrorLevel = "ERROR")
          MsgBox An error was produced when creating the service to run the TM1 model. Please investigate.

       full_command_line := "sc config"
       full_command_line := full_command_line . " """ . Edi5 . """"
       full_command_line := full_command_line . " start=auto"
	   If (A_IsAdmin)
	      RunWait %full_command_line%,, Hide

	   ; run the shortcut / TM1 model
       If Chbx_RunModel = 1
          RunWait, cmd /c net start "%Edi5%",, Hide


  gui, Submit, NoHide
  If AppOrService = Create a shortcut
	 GuiControl, Enable, But6
	 GuiControl, Enable, Edi6
	 GuiControl, Enable, Chbx6

	 GuiControl, Disable, Edi8
	 GuiControl, Disable, Chbx8

	 GuiControl, Disable, Edi9
	 GuiControl, Disable, Chbx9

	 GuiControl,,Edi4, %cPath_TM1s_exe%
  Else If AppOrService = Create a service
	 GuiControl, Disable, But6
	 GuiControl, Disable, Edi6
	 GuiControl, Disable, Chbx6

	 GuiControl, Enable, But8
	 GuiControl, Enable, Edi8
	 GuiControl, Enable, Chbx8

	 GuiControl, Enable, But9
	 GuiControl, Enable, Edi9
	 GuiControl, Enable, Chbx9
	 GuiControl,,Edi4, %cPath_TM1sd_exe%

  gui, Submit, NoHide
  If (a_guicontrol = "Edi1") {

     IfExist, %Edi1%
	    GuiControl, , Chbx1, 1
	    GuiControl, , Chbx1, 0

     c01 = %Edi1%\tm1s.cfg
     IfExist, %c01%
		; retrieve the data dir and logging
		IniRead, DataDirFolder,    %c01%, TM1S, DataBaseDirectory,
        If ( InStr( DataDirFolder, ".", false ) > 0 ) OR ( InStr( DataDirFolder, "..", false ) > 0 )
            base = %Edi1%
            rel = %DataDirFolder%
            DataDirFolder := % PathCombine(base, rel)
        IfExist, %DataDirFolder%
			GuiControl, , Chbx2, 1
            GuiControl, , Edi2, %DataDirFolder%
			GuiControl, , Chbx2, 0

        IniRead, LoggingDirFolder,    %c01%, TM1S, LoggingDirectory,
        If ( InStr( LoggingDirFolder, ".", false ) > 0 ) OR ( InStr( LoggingDirFolder, "..", false ) > 0 )
            base = %Edi1%
            rel = %LoggingDirFolder%
            LoggingDirFolder := % PathCombine(base, rel)
        IfExist, %LoggingDirFolder%
			GuiControl, , Chbx3, 1
			GuiControl, , Edi3, %LoggingDirFolder%
            GuiControl, , Chbx3, 0

		x = %Edi1%
        StringGetPos, p1, x, \ , R1
        Stringtrimleft, vCustomer, x, (p1+1)
        GuiControl, , Edi5, %vCustomer%

        ; for the path of the shortcut, take the parent folder
		p := GetParentDir(x, 1)
        GuiControl, , Edi6, %p%

        IniRead, TM1ServerName       , %c01%, TM1S, ServerName, E
        GuiControl, , Edi7, %TM1ServerName%
		GuiControl, , Edi2,
		GuiControl, , Edi3,
		GuiControl, , Edi7,
  If (a_guicontrol = "Edi2") {
     IfExist, %Edi2%
	    GuiControl, , Chbx2, 1
	    GuiControl, , Chbx2, 0
  If (a_guicontrol = "Edi3") {
     IfExist, %Edi3%
	    GuiControl, , Chbx3, 1
	    GuiControl, , Chbx3, 0
  If (a_guicontrol = "Edi4") {
     IfExist, %Edi4%
	    GuiControl, , Chbx4, 1
	    GuiControl, , Chbx4, 0
  If (a_guicontrol = "Edi5") {
     If( Trim(Edi5) <> "" )
         IfNotExist, %Edi6%\%Edi5%.lnk
	        GuiControl, , Chbx5, 1
	        GuiControl, , Chbx5, 0
	    GuiControl, , Chbx5, 0
  If (a_guicontrol = "Edi6") {
     IfExist, %Edi6%
	    GuiControl, , Chbx6, 1
	    GuiControl, , Chbx6, 0
  If (a_guicontrol = "Edi7") {
     If( Trim(Edi6) <> "" )
	    GuiControl, , Chbx7, 1
	    GuiControl, , Chbx7, 0
  If (a_guicontrol = "Edi8") {
     If( Trim(Edi8) <> "" )
	    GuiControl, , Chbx8, 1
	    GuiControl, , Chbx8, 0
  If (a_guicontrol = "Edi9") {
     If( Trim(Edi9) <> "" )
	    GuiControl, , Chbx9, 1
	    GuiControl, , Chbx9, 0


  gui, destroy
  ; ExitApp

PathCombine(abs, rel) {
    VarSetCapacity(dest, (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1) * 260, 1) ; MAX_PATH
    DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\PathCombine", "UInt", &dest, "UInt", &abs, "UInt", &rel)
    Return, dest

GetParentDir(Path,Count=1,Delimiter="\") {
  While (InStr(Path,Delimiter) <> 0 && Count <> A_Index - 1)
    Path := SubStr(Path,1,InStr(Path,Delimiter,0,0) - 1)
  Return Path

	ToReturn =
	hwnd := hwnd ? hwnd : WinExist("A")
	WinGetClass class, ahk_id %hwnd%
	if (class="CabinetWClass" or class="ExploreWClass" or class="Progman")
		for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
			if (window.hwnd==hwnd)
               sel := window.Document.SelectedItems
	           for item in sel
               v := % item.path
			   ToReturn .= v "`n"
    ToReturn := Trim(ToReturn,"`n")
	return ToReturn

    ToReturn =
    WinGetClass, class, A
    if (class="CabinetWClass" or class="ExploreWClass" or class="Progman" or class="WorkerW")
        ControlGetText, currentpath, ToolbarWindow323, ahk_class %class%
        StringTrimLeft, currentpath, currentpath, 9
        if( SubStr( currentpath, 0, 1) == "\")
           currentpath := SubStr(currentpath, 1, StrLen( currentpath ) - 1 )
        ToReturn .= currentpath "`n"
        ToReturn := Trim(ToReturn,"`n")
        Return ToReturn
Last edited by Wim Gielis on Tue Aug 02, 2022 9:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
Best regards,

Wim Gielis

IBM Champion 2024
Excel Most Valuable Professional, 2011-2014 ==> 121 TM1 articles and a lot of custom code
Newest blog article: Deleting elements quickly
Wim Gielis
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Location: Brussels, Belgium

Re: AutoHotKey - run TM1 as a service or as an application

Post by Wim Gielis »

The above code was extended greatly by myself, not in the least by adding a GUI. If you often need to run different TM1 models, you will definitely want to use it.
Best regards,

Wim Gielis

IBM Champion 2024
Excel Most Valuable Professional, 2011-2014 ==> 121 TM1 articles and a lot of custom code
Newest blog article: Deleting elements quickly
Posts: 50
Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:43 am
OLAP Product: IBM Cognos TM1
Version: PA 2.09 / TM1 11.7.00000.42
Excel Version: EXCEL 2019
Location: Asia

Re: AutoHotKey - run TM1 as a service or as an application

Post by Niko »

hi, wim,
i want to use the code you write, i don not know how to run it?
Thank you first.
Wim Gielis
Posts: 3128
Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:26 pm
OLAP Product: TM1, Jedox
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Location: Brussels, Belgium

Re: AutoHotKey - run TM1 as a service or as an application

Post by Wim Gielis »


You will probably want to:
  • download and install AutoHotKey
  • copy/paste the code to a text editor
  • save the file with a name that you want and extension .ahk
  • double click the file to run it
  • select a folder in File Explorer with the TM1 data directory
  • press Al-F12
  • use the gui
The advantage is that I have given you all the code in text format and you can change any line you want.

I could also compile the AHK script as an EXE file for you to download and run but then you don't have the source code and you cannot make changes at that level.
Last edited by Wim Gielis on Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:45 am, edited 3 times in total.
Best regards,

Wim Gielis

IBM Champion 2024
Excel Most Valuable Professional, 2011-2014 ==> 121 TM1 articles and a lot of custom code
Newest blog article: Deleting elements quickly
Wim Gielis
Posts: 3128
Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:26 pm
OLAP Product: TM1, Jedox
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Location: Brussels, Belgium

Re: AutoHotKey - run TM1 as a service or as an application

Post by Wim Gielis »

The website article can be found here :
Best regards,

Wim Gielis

IBM Champion 2024
Excel Most Valuable Professional, 2011-2014 ==> 121 TM1 articles and a lot of custom code
Newest blog article: Deleting elements quickly
Posts: 50
Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:43 am
OLAP Product: IBM Cognos TM1
Version: PA 2.09 / TM1 11.7.00000.42
Excel Version: EXCEL 2019
Location: Asia

Re: AutoHotKey - run TM1 as a service or as an application

Post by Niko »

Wim Gielis wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:52 am Hello,

You will probably want to:
  • download and install AutoHotKey
  • copy/paste the code to a text editor
  • save the file with a name that you want and extension .ahk
  • double click the file to run it
  • select a folder in File Explorer with the TM1 data directory
  • press Al-F12
  • use the gui
The advantage is that I have given you all the code in text format and you can change any line you want.

I could also compile the AHK script as an EXE file for you to download and run but then you don't have the source code and you cannot make changes at that level.
Thank u first, although i don't know anything about AHK, but i will try use it according the steps you give.
I think I can make it. Come on
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