Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

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Alan Kirk
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Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

As we've done with other versions, this post will be a repository for links to fix packs for Planning Analytics Local (PAL) 2.0 / Server Version 11. Posts will be made when a release is done but they'll be consolidated in this one.

Version was released on 25 April 2022. Good luck to anyone who suffers from triskaidekaphobia. (Of course jumping straight into ANY new release regardless of number has risks.)

PAL (25 Apr 2022)
Release Page.

Key Fixes
The the fix list for this version is fairly short, so I'll put all of the items listed here:
  • Unable to use ClickHouse ODBC with Planning Analytics - cursor library not used. I'm sure someone out there cares.
  • Unexpected CAMID folders created in TM1 data directory on Linux (not under namespace folder as expected). Can you honestly blame innocent folders from trying to get as far away from CAM as is possible?
  • TM1 intermittently unable to connect to the ODBC data sources. Interestingly late last year I had a similar problem on 2.0.6, but it eventually went away.
  • Attaching another temporary subset to a view renders the previous subset unusable.
  • Unable to copy/paste value from a pick list after restarting Planning Analytics Workspace database.
  • Unexpected result for MDX query with filter expression on an axis, where filter uses a calculatedmember-based Boolean expression.
  • TM1 server crashed creating a view with zero suppression due to incorrect crossjoin memberset sizing.
  • Planning Analytics Workspace: Leaf-level cells are bolded
  • Cube cell clear does not work after second attempt. Error occurs: “attempt to update a nonupdatable cell”
  • Deleting an element does not remove the element from the dimension in Architect - intermittent issue.
  • Inserting an active form into an Excel sheet creates many blank columns.
Departed Features
I don't know whether this was added to the document later or whether I missed it, but "Planning Analytics is the last release to include 32-bit versions of the TM1 clients (Architect and TM1 Perspectives)".

New Features
Nothing to date.

Related Software
I'm going to drop this section out of future posts because it's already covered in the What's Current thread.

File List
  • tm1client_winx64h_2.0.913.10_ml.tar.gz (781.03 MB)
  • tm1_linuxi38664h_2.0.913.10_ml.tar.gz (2.62 GB)
  • tm1_winx64h_2.0.913.10_ml.tar.gz (2.83 GB)
PAL (11 Mar 2022)
Release Page.

Key Fixes
There are 1.5 pages of fixes on the the fix list, but these caught my eye:
  • Suppressing zeros (rows) does not work if you have previously added a calculation to the view. If you select suppress zeros (all), zeros are suppressed as expected.
  • Patch request fails if body is over 65535 characters. I'm not sure what that is, but it doesn't sound good.
  • Leaf element lock functionality not working as expected when using multiple hierarchies
  • Processes extracting data from ODBC data sources and loading data to TM1 cubes is taking 4-5 times longer. From my own perspective this would be a Very. Bad. Thing. It would have been nice to know "compared to what", of course, and when this first appeared.
  • TM1 server crash with unhandled exception due to buffer size exceeded limit during a batch request.
  • TM1 server crash with invalid audit log entries retrieved with the REST API. With increasing use of the API, this could have been An Issue.
  • Server crashed after re-ordering dimension.
  • In Architect and Planning Analytics Workspace, by doing no selection in the direction of the spread, all data in the view is cleared out. Not a great way to start your day.
  • Re-order dimensions can cause a full data loss in the cube. Probably an even worse way to start your day.
  • Special filter with wildcards on large dimension leads to long running threads.
  • TM1 server can deadlock if both SaveDataAll and CubeSaveData are invoked at the same time. I haven't used CubeSaveData yet but I'll bet that plenty of people are.
  • TM1 server crash - when process function RuleloadFromFile processing feeders phase encountered a string stack overflow exception.
  • TM1 server crash due to missing reset of handle in REST API followed a rule compilation error.
  • TM1 server crash triggered by user login while chores were executing in bulk load mode.
  • REST API call only retrieves data above the cells containing zero values while using "with" keyword in the MDX statement.
  • TM1 server crashed with failed sandbox delta cube creation.
  • TM1 server crash due to obsolete hierarchies used in views.
  • Row suppression causes all data to be suppressed when an alternate hierarchy is used in context area. Soooo... maybe it's not feeders.
Departed Features
I'm not seeing anything that we haven't already heard about.

New Features
IBM have yet to post a New Features document yet; if and when they do I'll add a summary here.

Related Software
TM1 Web can be updated with Spreadsheet Services 2.0.74, PAW 2.0.73 and PAfE 2.0.74.

File List
  • tm1_linuxi38664h_2.0.912.9_ml.tar.gz (2.61 GB)
  • tm1client_winx64h_2.0.912.9_ml.tar.gz (776.99 MB)
  • tm1_winx64h_2.0.912.9_ml.tar.gz (2.82 GB)
PAL (23 Dec 2021)
Release Page.

It was made available for Cloud deployments on 5 January 2022.

Key Fixes
I'll leave out the items on the fix list which relate to Polish, Lithuanian, or PAW / PAfE (because, hey, bugs in PAW, who'd have thought it), but there are plenty of server crash issues rectified:
  • Suppressing zeros (rows) does not work if you have previously added a calculation to the view. If you select suppress zeros (all), zeros are suppressed as expected.
  • HierarchyDeleteAllElements does not work as expected
  • String data in consolidation is allowed to be entered with multiple hierarchies and not saved - error should be returned
  • SaveDataAll failed when the complete temporary version of the locked cube remains due to the main cube file being locked. In case of excessive roll back, temporary file could also be locked leading to server hang.
  • Using CellPutProportionalSpread in TurboIntegrator doesn't update values in cube except for the last record
  • Turbointegrator function HierarchyContainsAllLeaves crashes server if hierarchy does not contain leaf element
  • Server crash when an MDX view in created one process then used in another process
  • MAX function in MDX returns the wrong value based on order
  • TM1 server crash - retrieving rule without checking for proper lock acquisition
  • Server crashed when creating hierarchy based on alias attribute when the alias is a duplicate
  • Spread failure when performing a relative percent adjustment
  • Data spread errors when a cell has a hold on it with alternate hierarchy in the context
  • Tm1 server crashes under certain conditions when creating a view with zero suppression
  • Tm1 server crash - during a failed dimension update due to lock exception
  • Tm1 server crash – divide by zero converting cell coordinates
  • Tm1 sever crash in CompareNoCaseNoBlanks
  • Tm1 server crash - querying ViewConsolidationOptimizationMethod setting
Departed Features
  • As of Planning Analytics, the SkipLoadingAliases parameter to Tm1s.cfg is not supported. If this parameter is present and enabled in your Tm1s.cfg file, it is ignored.
  • This is actually an older one, but it's in the What's New: "IBM Planning Analytics TM1 Web 2.0.69 and later releases no longer support embedded Websheets in Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) books without the PAW New Experience.
    Planning Analytics on Cloud environments can use either the PAW Classic or New Experience. Classic Experience for Planning Analytics Local refers to the user experience in PAW 2.0.55 and earlier releases.
    The PAW New Experience was released in October 2020 as part of the 2.0.56 update for Planning Analytics on Cloud and 2.0.57 for Planning Analytics Local. This new experience showcases a new look and feel, improves navigation and content management, and introduced the Applications and Plans, and Predictive Forecasting capabilities.
    Planning Analytics on Cloud customers that are using the PAW Classic Experience with Websheets that are embedded in books, should avoid updating to TM1 Web 2.0.69 or higher. If an upgrade to TM1 Server is required for a Planning Analytics on Cloud environment, contact IBM Support to discuss the version of TM1 Web packaged with the TM1 Server upgrade."
    Mmm. My Old Experience is the same as my New Experience. Can't get it to work, and with other, better, options for client software, don't really care if it doesn't work.
New Features
  • There is a new config parameter; HTTPOriginAllowList:
    This parameter sets a comma-delimited list of external origins (URLs) that are trusted and can access the TM1 server.
    Parameter type: optional, dynamic
    If the HTTPOriginAllowList parameter is not included in Tm1s.cfg, requests from all origins are trusted and granted access to the TM1 server, subject to authentication.
  • Planning Analytics introduces support for RedHat Enterprise Linux® 8.x. Support for RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.x continues as well.
  • And I quote... "Due to a load order issue with an IBM-built wrapper library of openssl: libibmcogcrypto.dll, an attempt to start the TM1 Server in console mode (direct execution of Tm1s.exe) fails on Windows 12.
    After attempting to start the server, you receive an error indicating that the Admin Server cannot start due to the missing libibmcogcrypto.dll file.
    This issue occurs only on Window 12. The issue will be addressed in the next release of Planning Analytics after"
    You what?? There is no Windows 12. There is Windows 11, a useless piece of effluent that finds yet another way to hack users off by screwing with the start menu and making it worse, something that the Microsoft Windows team excels at, but they have yet to turn their hand to Windows 12. Then I read the title as well as the content... they're talking about Windows Server 2012. Not... quite the same thing, I think. Of course PAW doesn't run under "Windows 12", but then it doesn't run under "Windows 19". Or "Windows 22" either.
Related Software
TM1 Web can be updated with Spreadsheet Services 2.0.69, PAW 2.0.72 and PAfE 2.0.70.
That is what still (as of 10 Jan 22) appears on the download page, although Spreadsheet Services 2.0.70 was released on 5 January.
Update: Spreadsheet Services 2.0.73 was released on 10 February 2022 but IBM has elected not to explain what it fixes.

File List
  • tm1client_winx64h_2.0.911.20_ml.tar.gz (817.06 MB)
  • tm1_linuxi38664h_2.0.911.20_ml.tar.gz (2.61 GB)
  • tm1_winx64h_2.0.911.20_ml.tar.gz (2.86 GB)
  • tm1_zlinux64h_2.0.911.20_ml.tar.gz (2.45 GB)
Version is now out.

PAL (14 Sep 2021)
Release Page.

Key Fixes
Again the fix list isn't huge, but there are some niggles:
  • PH24729 Wrong variable assignment order in MDX view processing
  • PH28724 Data tab is skipped on every second execution of a process
  • PH33564 Drill through process with hierarchy in the context open a view on consolidated element
  • PH36367 Audit log viewer does not work properly with operating system European date format
  • PH37641 NumberToString function not respecting regional settings in scheduled chores
  • PH38336 TM1 server crash during call to get hierarchy by name using string compare
  • PH38384 TM1 server crash due to deleted alternate/leaves hierarchy
  • PH38432 When a process is executed with a CellPutS statement that has only a string as an argument, the TM1
    server crashes
  • PH38684 WildcardFileSearch TurboIntegrator function is unable to retrieve files starting with left curly braces
    { on Linux
  • PH39225 TM1 server logon not completing due to a hang in LDAP server resulting in lock contention
  • PH39297 Unauthorized users can still see cell security protected values when requesting them from REST API on
    a trace calculation
Departed Features
Nothing new.

New Features
There are three new TI functions:
  • HierarchySubsetAliasGet returns the alias attribute for a subset within a hierarchy. This function was introduced in Planning Analytics Server 11.8.9 and cannot be used in previous versions.
  • SubsetAliasGet returns the alias attribute for a subset. This function was introduced in Planning Analytics Server 11.8.9 and cannot be used in previous versions.
  • PublishSubset publishes a named private subset on the server. This function was introduced in Planning Analytics Server 11.8.9 and cannot be used in previous versions.
I assume that PublishSubset will publish the subset of the user who triggered the process... whether they are an admin or not? I won't be able to test that until it's on a test bed, but it'll be interesting to see. (The documentation (linked above) is silent on this point.)

Related Software
TM1 Web can be updated with Spreadsheet Services 2.0.67, which is the same version number as the current release of PAW and PAfe.

File List
  • tm1client_winx64h_2.0.910.5_ml.tar.gz (819.86 MB)
  • tm1_linuxi38664h_2.0.910.5_ml.tar.gz (2.5 GB)
  • tm1_winx64h_2.0.910.5_ml.tar.gz (2.81 GB)
  • tm1_zlinux64h_2.0.910.5_ml.tar.gz (2.37 GB)
PAL (14 Jul 2021)
Release Page.

Key Fixes
The fix list doesn't contain a huge list, but has quite a few things that could catch people out:
  • Can't reject a contributor node which has an apostrophe;
  • Slow login in Perspectives architect in, which will be rather important for the large number of people who, for whatever reason :roll: have not moved to PAfE;
  • Server hanging "when thread is inside transaction log critical section while acquiring a TM1 object lock". I'm not sure what that means, exactly, but I do know that working with the transaction log in PA2 is a "use at your own risk" experience.
  • An issue with tracing feeders in PAW.
  • A server crash when using an ODBC connection when column names are nulls. Which... OK, good to know.
  • Server crash when manipulating the Metadata tab of a TI Process. WHAT?? I assume, or certainly would hope, that this was only occurring in specific circumstances.
  • TM1 server crashes when executing in the same process to create new hierarchy into a dimension and create 'caption' attribute to leaf elements of the new hierarchy.
  • A crash occurs when using the undocumented parameter StargateOptimizationInRules=T. I can't find that parameter being referred to in any prior posts on the Forum so I doubt that it's widely used, being undocumented and all.
  • A problem with searching the set editor by alias in Cyrillic or Japanese.
  • Feeder recalculation being triggered in startup in some cases.
  • "TM1 server crash during construction of filler hierarchy member." Rrrright.
  • The server becoming unregistered from the Admin server when a runaway process causes event handle exhaustion on Windows.
  • "MDX with aggregate function returns nulls instead of values for non-admin users when the model has dimension security defined for the dimension participating in the query". I think this was the thing that caused 2.0.8 to be pulled. And finally:
  • Incorrect value running MDX Aggregate function when left hand side of the rule has no explicit dimension.
Departed Features
Nothing new. It's not news that TM1 Operations Console and PMHub are no longer supported. What might be is that they are apparently being pulled entirely from the Cloud deployment in 2.0.9.

New Features

Related Software
TM1 Web can be updated with Spreadsheet Services

TM1sd Version Number

PAL (28 May 2021)
Withdrawn from release after the discovery of an error in the MDX Aggregate function.

TM1sd Version Number

PAL (16 Apr 2021)
Release Page.

Key Fixes
The fix list consists of a mere 7 items which would be great if there were only 7 bugs, but I think we know that to be unlikely. Almost half of them relate to hierarchy issues:
  • Planning Analytics Workspace: rule values other then zero are shown as zero on n-level when hierarchies are involved;
  • Error using DimensionElementComponentAdd() when the element name exists in a hierarchy created on the same dimension;
  • Rule calculations referencing alternate hierarchy take unexpectedly long time even with feeders.
Departed Features
Two config items have been removed:
  • LockPagesInMemory, which related to servers under 64 bit Windows; and
  • MTQ.CTreeRedundancyReducer, which was disabled following stability issues described in Technote 886359
New Features

File List
  • tm1_winx64h_2.0.97.6_ml.tar.gz (2.83 GB)
  • tm1client_winx64h_2.0.97.6_ml.tar.gz (820.02 MB)
  • tm1server_cd-linuxple64n-inst-11.8.00600.6-ml.tar.gz (637.49 MB)
  • tm1_zlinux64h_2.0.97.6_ml.tar.gz (2.39 GB)
  • tm1_linuxi38664h_2.0.97.6_ml.tar.gz (2.52 GB)
TM1sd Version Number

PAL (16 Mar 2021)
Release Page.
Key Fixes
The fix list seems to consist of things that are (for the most part) more annoying than critical. For example disconnection issues with multiple instances of Excel (which I've always regarded as a "don't do that" situation), the password in TM1Web can be shorter than the one specified in the server config file, Cube Viewer showing a different number precision for a consolidation than you'd see in a slice. There are of course fixes for some issues that can cause a server crash, like when alternative leaf hierarchies were being deleted. The most critical is that single line feeders were only feeding the first element, not the subsequent ones.
New Features
Niente, nada, not a thing.

PAL (08 Feb 2021)
Release Page.

Key Fixes
The fix list is just a single page this time. The most critical issues seem to me to be one which was causing greyed out active form sheets in Perspectives when using the rebuild buttons, server crashes when updating client groups by TI, and the MDX TM1FilterByPattern function causing a server crash when it is passed an empty string as the second parameter.

New Features
See here.
  • I'm not sure I'd call it a feature as such, but the default FIPSOperationMode (which relates to cryptography) value has changed.
  • Similarly there have been changes to some ciphers used on the server. These are things that you'd need to look into separately if you feel that they affect you.
  • There have been some changes in dimension hierarchy security, specifically "You can now define security for dimension hierarchies independent of the parent dimension in the }DimensionSecurity control cube... As of Planning Analytics, hierarchies no longer inherit security from the parent dimension." Details can be found here.
  • This is a workaround rather than a new feature, but there is a workaround for misaligned action buttons in Perspectives in Excel 2016 and 2019. The details are here.
PAL (17 Dec 2020)
Release Page.

Key Fixes
The fix list is just over 2 pages long. I'd have to repeat the entire list because almost all of the fixes will be critical for someone.

New Features
These can be found here. In a nutshell:
  • Improved Git support has been provided.
  • There is improved member selection when the selection is across multiple hierarchies. (Unnecessary members are no longer included.)
  • The documentation was updated to point out that chore start times are stored in UTC and does not vary for daylight savings time. (I believe that this does not affect the "Run Chore Time" option in the TI chore dialog (the server box knows whether its timezone is on DST or not and the TM1 server could easily query that), but I'd need to check.)
  • More bloated... er, I mean, "enhanced" error logging in the tm1server.log file.
PAL (09 Oct 2020)
Release Page. Apparently the server version is 11.8.2 for this one.

Key Fixes
The fix list is 2 and a half pages long and includes things like Architect crashing when you try to edit or run a TI, using sort in a PAW view which uses alternative hierarchies having runaway memory usage, several MDX issues not limited to temporary ViewCreateByMDX functions crashing the server... the list goes on.

New Features
There is however a new requirement for Linux server users:
... the Java shared object (must) be in the server's LD_LIBRARY_PATH to successfully start up or shut down a TM1 Server
Depreciated Features
PMHub was fully depreciated in this release.
Pretty much nobody either noticed or cared.

PAL (27 Jul 2020)
Release Page.

Key Fixes
The fix list runs to 2 pages. Knock yourself out.
One fix that you should be aware of is in relation to PH26158: TM1 PERSPECTIVES CERTIFICATES EXPIRING JULY 9 2020, which concerns the SSL certificates in earlier 2.0.9 releases.

New Features
There are no new features included. However one important change is that TM1 Web's installer was taken out of the allegedly "Long Cadence" release that the server is on (if one considers 3 months to be "long"), and is now on the short cadence release along with the Spreadsheet Services installer. That's because web servers should need updating every month, said nobody, ever.

PAL (22 May 2020)
Release Page.

Key Fixes
The fix list runs to 7 pages across all components of the product and on this occasion it would be really difficult to pick a highlights package.

New Features
There are no new features included.

PAL 2.0.9 IF2.1 (28 Mar 2020)
Release Page.

Key Fixes
New Features

PAL 2.0.9 (17 Dec 2019)
Announcement Page.

Key Fixes
A lot, actually, but some of the highlights:
  • PH04090 [Stability] TM1 Server Crash due to stack overflow
New Features
The exclamation points are IBM's, not mine, though the dynamic shapes one is probably well worthy of it:
  • Manage a list of TM1 databases on the TM1 Admin Server
    • In TM1 Server version 11.7.0, you can set up one TM1 Admin Server that refers to the active TM1 databases for a model. All your users can point to the TM1 Admin Server and you can rapidly switch over from one TM1 database to another TM1 database. The TM1 Admin Server doesn't need to be restarted, which means that you can completely automate the failover to the backup system if a crash occurs on a TM1 database.
  • Use the ViewZeroOut TurboIntegrator function on MDX views
    • The ViewZeroOut TurboIntegrator function now works on MDX-based views. You can zero out the data of views with intersections that are unique to elements that exist only in hierarchies. For all views, including multi-hierarchy views, ViewZeroOut collects intersected leaf sets before it sets all data points in a view to zero.
  • Use dynamic shapes and images in websheets
    • Customize your websheets! In TM1 Web, you can dynamically insert shapes and images anywhere in your websheet where you’d like the image to change when the value of a cell changes. You can dynamically insert logos, employee pictures, flags, product images, and more.
  • Open a websheet on the active tab when you save a multi-tab websheet
    • If you have a websheet with multiple tabs in a book, Planning Analytics Workspace keeps track of the active websheet tab when you save the book. Then, when you open the book in Planning Analytics Workspace later, you are right where you left off in your work!
  • Deprecation of TM1 Operations Console
    • Deprecated in v2.0.9 In Planning Analytics version 2.0.9, TM1 Operations Console is no longer supported. When you access the TM1 Operations Console URL, you see a general 500 error message that indicates that the URL is not available. You can use IBM Planning Analytics Administration to monitor databases in IBM Planning Analytics and IBM Planning Analytics Local.
Things that can potentially break, kill and mutilate your applications
  • The change to the security evaluation order for MDX, which you can read about on the Quebit site here. As from 18 Jun there is now an IBM Technote here.
PAL 2.0.8 (17 Jul 2019; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022)
What's New Page

Key Functionality Changes
  • Removed relational database sources for TM1 Web. Removed Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ 4.17 (
  • Removed IBM Cognos Package Connector
  • Save confirmation dialog for TM1 Application Web was removed; changes are automatically changed.
  • Various logging, API and other enhancements.
PAL 2.0.7 (Local and Cloud) and Server 11.5 (29 Apr 2019; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
What's New Page

PAL 2.0.6 (11 Oct 2018, server 11.4.00000.21; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
What's New Page

TM1sd Version Number

PAL 2.05 (25 Jun 2018; will go out of support on will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
What's New Page

PAL 2.04 (16 Feb 2018; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
What's New Page

PAL 2.0.3 (19 Sep 17; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
What's New Page.

PAL 2.02 IF4 and higher(21 Sep 17; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
Cannot be downgraded to an earlier version. See this post.

PAL 2.02 (04 Jun 17; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
Release Announcement.
Fix List.

PAL 2.0.1 Interim Fix 16 (17 Mar 17; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
Release Announcement.
Fix List.
  • Error in cell widget
  • Error Banners are stacked and require multiple clicks to clear
PAL 2.0.1 Refresh 1 and PAL 2.0.1 Refresh 1 Interim Fix 1 (24 Feb 2017; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
Release Announcement.
Fix List.
  • (Refresh1): Formulas giving #VALUE in certain cases.
  • (Refresh1): Copying from Excel to CAFE Subset editor not working in some cases,
  • (Refresh1): CAFE: Flex View not refreshing.
  • (IF1) Server crash caused by internal floating point rounding error during MDX axis calculation
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Alan Kirk
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Location: Sydney, Australia

Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

Version 2.02 has now been released; see the main post for the links. This will be stickied for 30 days.
"To them, equipment failure is terrifying. To me, it’s 'Tuesday.' "
Before posting, please check the documentation, the FAQ, the Search function and FOR THE LOVE OF GLUB the Request Guidelines.
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Alan Kirk
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

IMPORTANT: There has been a change in the data structure in PA 2.0.2 IF4. The effect is that if you apply that interim fix or higher you can no longer downgrade to an earlier version. Details can be found here.
"To them, equipment failure is terrifying. To me, it’s 'Tuesday.' "
Before posting, please check the documentation, the FAQ, the Search function and FOR THE LOVE OF GLUB the Request Guidelines.
Posts: 5
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OLAP Product: TM1
Version: PA 2.0.2
Excel Version: 2016

Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by aph1985 »

Hi all,

I just saw that PA 2.0.3 has been released. Anyone know where to download it from? ... 2_0_3.html
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Alan Kirk
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

aph1985 wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:22 am Hi all,

I just saw that PA 2.0.3 has been released. Anyone know where to download it from? ... 2_0_3.html
They may have published the release notes but that doesn't necessarily mean that they've released it yet; there was nothing in this morning's notifications e-mail about it. If they've put the notes up then the download probably isn't far behind but my blood pressure is not up to trying to find where they've hidden the download pages this week. Honestly, has anyone ever seen a more useless site than the Passport Advantage one?

Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah. A thousand million useless words about what Passport Advantage offers, and not a single link to anything even remotely useful among them. I'll come back to it when I have half a day to waste.
"To them, equipment failure is terrifying. To me, it’s 'Tuesday.' "
Before posting, please check the documentation, the FAQ, the Search function and FOR THE LOVE OF GLUB the Request Guidelines.
Posts: 5
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by aph1985 »

It's available for download now.
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by mcamargo »

v2.0.3 has some problems with TM1 Applications, I have tested it on two servers and it crashes and do strange things on both, I was on 2.0.1 and now I can't downgrade to that version, I will install 2.0.2 IF4 to see if that works, but for now I strongly recommend you to beware of 2.0.3.
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Steve Rowe »

Hi mcamargo,

Could you elaborate on the crash and strange things please? It would be good to know some details of the use case so that we can determine if we are likely to be impacted.

Many thanks,

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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

There has been a new release; 2.0.4.

This is the end of the line for the 32 bit server. It will cease to be in the 2.0.5 release. (Actually I'm surprised that it has lasted this long. I don't imagine that trying to run PAX or PAW from a 32 bit box would be a pleasant experience.)

There will also be no 32 bit installer for the classic clients (Perspectives / Architect), but the way I read it they can still be installed from the 64 bit main installer.
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

George Tonkin brought to my attention the fact that I hadn't updated this for the release of PA 2.0.5. I thought I had, but clearly not. Thanks, George.

The Release notes can be found here.

The various headings for the What's New information can be found here.
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

I missed posting another one (hat tip to Paul Segal); 2.0.6. Which is odd, since it is in fact my version.

The What's New summary will be found here.

The most significant of these (for certain values of significant) is:
"IBM Planning Analytics Local 2.0.6 is the last release with support for Java TI."

Well, that was fun while it lasted. I hope that nobody has put TOO much effort into building calls to Java.
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

A link to the 2.0.7 release has now been added. In the depreciation list, I noted:
IBM TM1 Top utility
The TM1 Top utility is scheduled for deprecation.
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Wim Gielis »

PAL 2.0.8 has been made available last week: ... 2_0_8.html

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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

Wim Gielis wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2019 9:05 am PAL 2.0.8 has been made available last week: ... 2_0_8.html

A moderator can remove this post in the thread, it is just a general notification to the community.
When the links are added above, this post is no longer necessary.
There's no reason to remove it; I post the replies for the same reason (to ping that there is fresh content) but there's no particular need to remove them afterwards especially fo the post makes reference to one of the features.

On which point, I like the change to the rollback logging.

Normally I'm the one who posts them but my receipt of IBM notifications has become distinctly sporadic of late. When I logged in to check my subscription, though, I found that while I was still subscribed to "TM1", there are new(ish) subscriptions for three different variations of the name "Planning Analytics" that I wasn't subscribed to. Hopefully I'll be back to getting notifications of these things.
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by gtonkin »

PAL 2.0.9 released yesterday, available on Fix Central. Fix list
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series 2.0.9 IF2.1

Post by Alan Kirk »

This has now been released:
PAL 2.0.9 IF2.1 (28 Mar 2020)
Release Page.
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

This has now been released:
PAL (22 May 2020)
Release Page.

The fix list run to 7 pages across all components of the product and on this occasion it would be really difficult to pick a highlights package.
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

There is a potentially important change in 2.0.9 which Mike Cowie's Quebit has uncovered (and many thanks to Moby91 for pointing me to it), though it doesn't seem to be in the release notes and there doesn't seem to be a full technote on it yet.

In short, it used to be that MDX would execute then check security. Now it checks security then executes. What difference does that make? Suppose that one of your applications uses an MDX expression which drills down from your Total element for that dimension. Your average plebeian users do not have access to the Total element.

Previously it didn't matter because they'd end up seeing only the elements that they have access to.

From 2.0.9, however, the execution will check their security first, determine that they don't have access to the Total element and BOOM, your application is lying in pretty little shards of error messages scattered across the floor of the screen.

In application development, we know this phenomenon by the technical name "A. Bad. Thing."

You can read the whole of Quebit's analysis here.
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

Alan Kirk wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:45 pm There is a potentially important change in 2.0.9 which Mike Cowie's Quebit has uncovered (and many thanks to Moby91 for pointing me to it), though it doesn't seem to be in the release notes and there doesn't seem to be a full technote on it yet.
IBM has now released a technote, which can be found here. I've shifted discussions about this to a separate thread which will be found here, so that the fix pack release thread doesn't get cluttered with a single topic.
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Re: Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series

Post by Alan Kirk »

In case anyone missed this:
A defect had been identified in the IBM Planning Analytics release that can prevent the ViewZeroOut TurboIntegrator function from working correctly. No error message is provided to indicate the ViewZeroOut function or the TurboIntegrator process has failed.

The root cause of the defect has been identified and corrected. A new version of IBM Planning Analytics that contains a correction for this defect is now available on IBM Fix Central.
One would think that if this is a "new version" it should have a different name. But then one would ALSO think that the latest version should be downloadable from Passport Advantage rather than having a 2.0.8 version which then has to be upgraded through Fix Central, or at least that's my experience. Oh, but wait, the download file for the above fix is named tm1_winx64h_2.0.94.51_ml.tar.gz, so I suppose that it's even though it's actually named, with the .51 release replacing the pulled .24 one.
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