Bespoke Picklists

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20 Ton Squirrel
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Bespoke Picklists

Post by 20 Ton Squirrel »

Is it possible to define a picklist for a specific cluster of child elements in a dimension?

For example, here's a basic cube layout:
  • !Region: North America, East Europe, Asia Pacific, etc…
  • !Month: Ya know… a bunch of months.
  • !Measure: Shipments, Revenue, Price, etc…
  • !Adjustment: Output Value, Calculation Flag
The Calculation Flag element is used to fork rule calculations in different directions based on whatever the user puts in. If it is blank, a default rule calculation is used.

I would like to have a picklist in !Adjustment's Calculation Flag based on the element in !Measure.

  • The picklist in Calculation Flag for Shipments might have: A, B, C
  • The picklist in Calculation Flag for Revenue might have: D, E, F
Is this possible with some MDX magic or am I dreaming?
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20 Ton Squirrel
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Re: Bespoke Picklists

Post by 20 Ton Squirrel »

Within a few minutes of posting this I think I found my answer.

Picklists on Control Cubes. The link is here.

I'd love to hear whatever feedback is out there from you pros, however, so feel free to chime in.
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Re: Bespoke Picklists

Post by ykud »

I think it's just called }Picklist cubes , definitely something to use in your case.
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Re: Bespoke Picklists

Post by lotsaram »

You can use a rule in the picklist cube (in fact whenever you use a picklist cube it's waaay more likely that you would use string rules versus data entry) and have logic in the rules to look up whatever you want and branch the picklist options based off that.

Using dynamic subsets which are themselves looking up values in parameter cubes and using StrToMember you can get pretty fancy with dynamic picklists but it would be so much easier if IBM would just support MDX expression directly as a picklist source, but as yet they don't. Here's a link to a ER to support MDX as object type for picklist source which I would encourage you to vote for.
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