Ability to save Websheets with title selections

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Should users be able to save websheets into their applications folders?

Yes, it would save them time
No, too much risk of them getting an out of date sheet
No, too much clutter
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No, some other reason shown below
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Total votes: 7

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Alan Kirk
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Ability to save Websheets with title selections

Post by Alan Kirk »

I just had a request from one of my users which made me think "Hmm, that would actually be pretty useful..."

The user had generated a report via a predefined web sheet and wanted to know whether it would be possible to save that with the title settings in place. (They have no access to Excel at this time; it's web only for these guys.) The reason for this is that most of them have quite a few different profit centre / cost centre combinations to report on, and it would save them needing to reselect them every time. If they were able to save the web sheet into their Applications folder with the title elements pre-selected it could save some time.

The down side of this of course is if an upgrade is done to the websheet; the admins would no longer have direct control over ensuring that everyone has the most current sheet.

So what do you think, useful or not?
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Re: Ability to save Websheets with title selections

Post by declanr »

I would say it could be useful but extended beyond saving it for just one report.

As standard approach for all TM1 Web applications I hold attributes against the }clients dimension for every title element they are likely to encounter and make it so that when they open any websheet it pulls down all of their most recent selections as a starting point (unless of course there is a specific reason not to).
So I'd say it's not that difficult to set this up yourself but it would be nice to have some standard process for this.
Declan Rodger
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Re: Ability to save Websheets with title selections

Post by krishnadixit »

Absolutely yes, It would be pretty useful. I had similar request from one of my client recently.

Moreover now since TM1 10.2 web is fully java based, this request can easily be addressed with no performance hit.
'user.ini' (Settings) file can be generated & saved in user's application folder.
The down side of this of course is if an upgrade is done to the websheet; the admins would no longer have direct control over ensuring that everyone has the most current sheet.
I don't think websheet upgrade would cause any major issue. If there's any change in template then a provision can be made to display a message on top for the users to take notice of. If the entire format of websheet is changed then the existing 'user.ini' can be discarded & overridden by a default setting file say 'default.ini'.

Since TM1 web has handshaked with Java, I am very happy ;)
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Re: Ability to save Websheets with title selections

Post by ardi »

We have created a 2 dimensional cube, one of dimensions is }Clients and the other use is Saved_Selections. Saved_Selections dim contans elements for each Title DImension that you want to save the selection for. In the websheet ( in the hidden area we have DBSS functions to store the selection from a title dimension to the User_Saved_Selections cube. ALso when the user opens the spreadsheet, we have formulas in the hidden area to get the saved selection from User_Saved_Selections cube and use them in the SUBNM formulas.
Ardian Alikaj
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Re: Ability to save Websheets with title selections

Post by kdunic »

I have addressed this issue on Websheets at a few customers using a control cube with the following dimensions:


An action button is placed on the Websheet to write the title element to the cube above. This action button may be labeled 'Save Tile Elements', or 'Pin'.
On the Websheet, a DBR is used to retrieve the value initially from a cell (hidden) and then referenced in the SUBNM.
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