Generic drill processes

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Generic drill processes

Post by lotsaram »

I would like to see the ability to have "generic drill processes" that can be called from any cube. Much the same way that a generic process can work on any datasource so long as the maximum number of variables has been allowed for. Currently you can only share generic drill processes amongst cubes with the same number of dimensions. That is you can't have one generic drill process but rather you need a separate one for each possible number of dimensions in cubes and the correct generic process assigned to each cube.

If you call a drill that has been set up for a different dumber of dimensions you get an error initializing the parameter array and a quit on init. I would like to see params for drills work the same way as variables for data sources - that is if there are excess params above the number of dimensions in the calling cube then they should just be ignored and remain null and not cause an error.
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