Intermittent TM1 Login Ability with C10/CAM Security

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Intermittent TM1 Login Ability with C10/CAM Security

Post by bradohare »


We've recently experienced some very strange intermittant login ability when using Cognos 10/CAM Security to loging into TM1 9.5.2. Basically, sometimes we are able to login without issue (using Perspective in Citrix or RDP onto the server) as well as TM1Web (accessed through Tm1Web login page or using a passthrough link from Cognos into Tm1Web). However, sometimes we receive an error, however after receiving the intial error a subsequent login attempt succeeds regardless of the mechanism we are using to access the server.

The errors vary by the mechanism used to login. If Persepctives is used via Citrix/RDP into the server we receive an error, "Client name does not exist on the server" when using the sever explorer and double clicking on the instance name. If we use the icon in the Excel toolbar to connect we receive the error, "N6) Client not registered". Finally, if we use Tm1Web and the error occurs, we are returned to the login page with the error "TM1APIDOTNET+Exception%3a+-+Either+the+login+name+or+the+password+is+incorrect" in the URL.

A little backround, previously this particular server was using Cognos 8 for it's authentication. We had never previously received any sort of errors like this until we started using C10. We also a UAT environment with an indentical (well, identical as it can be) setup and have never experiences any issues link this.

Here's one adidtional item that confuses me. So I modified our UAT enviornment that's functioning correctly, and placed the ServerCAMURI/ClientCAM URI values that pointed at our PROD Cognos 10 instance. Once doing this I didn't receive any errors.

This leads me to believe that something is off in our PROD Tm1 server, however I can't imagine that the change to use C10 had no bearing on this issue as it started occuring as soon as this switch was made (with not Tm1 server based adjustment other than the one made to the config file).

Any thoughts/hunches/guesses?

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