The new Version of TM-One Documenter is released!!! TM-One DoKumentor Version 2.5
Please install this software with Admin rights
There are some enhancements & a new Module has been added:
A. Documentor Module.
- Detailed information / summary of the cubes.
- Cube Sizing.
- Views info (optional).
- Rules info (optional).
- Detailed information / summary of the Dimensions.
- Subsets info (optional).
- Export TI Process list.
- Export Dimension Attributes
- Export Element Attributes
- Output html file with index on left side & Object details in center pane that make easy to navigate the objects.
- Cube Dependency: Select a cube & see all the other cubes depending on this. (i.e. view all cubes that are been sourced by this cube.
- Dimension Dependency: Select a DIM & see all cubes & rules using this DIM. It also displays if this Dim is being used as Picklist anywhere.
- Element Dependency: Select an Element from Dim & see all cubes using , specifically, this element Data.
- Subset Dependency: Select a Subset & see all the views using this subset. It also displays if this Subset is being used as Picklist anywhere.
- Cube-Element Dependency: This is detailed level element dependency. This module checks if the data of selected element of the selected cube is being used anywhere.
You can download it from:
or ... ion2.5.rar
How to:-
Install "TM-One DoKumentor" on the workstation where TM1 server installed (with Admin rights), configure it (in "Help" menu: "Congifure Application"), & use it.
Your suggestions & queries welcome. Please provide me feedback of this tool.