Stress? What's that?

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Stress? What's that?

Post by Alan Kirk »

I'm sure that none of this could possibly include BI / Budgeting Systems types, but I thought that it would make an interesting read anyway: wrote:79 Percent of IT Administrators Want to Quit Due to Stress

A GFI Software survey also found that one third of IT staff say they regularly lose sleep due to work pressures.
"Sleep"; hmm, I heard about that once. Does anyone know whether it's any good? wrote:By Jeff Goldman | Posted May 01, 2014

According to the results of GFI Software's third annual IT Admin Stress Survey, conducted by Opinion Matters, fully 79 percent of IT staff are actively considering leaving their jobs due to job-related stress.

That's a significant increase from 2013, when just 57 percent of respondents said they were actively considering leaving.
And, I must confess, sounds statistically improbable. 22 percentage points in 12 months? Hmmmm... not wishing to take away from the headline issue, which I have no doubt has a certain validity, but I suspect that there are some methodology issues at play here. wrote:The survey of 200 U.S. IT administrators also found that 38 percent of IT staff have missed social functions due to issues at work, and 35 percent have missed time with their families due to work demands on their personal time.
{Raised eyebrow...} Oh I'm sure that never happens. Heaven forfend. wrote:One quarter of respondents said they've seen a relationship severely damaged or fail due to their job.

Twenty-three percent of respondents say they work between eight and 12 hours of unpaid overtime each week.
'Zat all? 22 hours for me last week but granted it is budget season here. wrote:One third of respondents say they regularly lose sleep over work pressures, one quarter say they've suffered stress-related illnesses, and 17 percent say they're in poor physical condition due to work demands.
{Checks waistline...} Let's discuss something else. wrote:Thirty percent of respondents say they're the most stressed person in their social or family group.
Who's been saying I'm stressed??? Who??? Who??? I WANT NAMES, DAMMIT, AND I WANT THEM NOW!!!! wrote:"IT is renowned for being one of the most stressful white-collar jobs to undertake, now more so than ever given the critical role IT plays in everything from ecommerce to facilities management," Sergio Galindo, general manager of the Infrastructure Business Unit at GFI Software, said in a statement.

"There is a lot that organizations can do to reduce the burden -- and with it the stress levels -- carried by IT staff," Galindo added. "Providing realistic IT budgets and staffing levels
Thanks, I needed a good laugh.... wrote: helps a lot, but there are productivity changes that can also significantly de-stress the IT department, such as investing in technology to automate personnel-intensive activities like deploying software updates and managing sprawling Wi-Fi networks and the myriad of mobile devices that users are bringing to work."
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Re: Stress? What's that?

Post by jim wood »

Stress is a funny thing. It's something we all suffer from to greater or lesser extents. Personally workload is something that rarely gets me stressed, it has of course freaked me out at some points in time but mostly I'm ok with it. Normally the most workload stress I get is when I ring my wife to tell her I'm goin to be late again. I'm sure we've all been there as well, whether it be a wife or partner.

In modern times it's very hard to switch off, with modern technology you really never leave the office, but the key for me has always been switching off once I walk out of the gate. I try to adopt a "clocking off" type of attitude. I've always thought that worrying about work, away from work doesn't help anybody.
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Re: Stress? What's that?

Post by BariAbdul »

I've always thought that worrying about work, away from work doesn't help anybody.
Great advice Jim,Wish I could do that! Thanks
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