Use only one connection slot for multiple, parallel requests

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Use only one connection slot for multiple, parallel requests

Post by fruitninja »


So we are accessing data from a TM1 Server using RestSharp, which works fine so far.
Now I'm facing a issue and I hope someone has an idea how I could solve it:
Is there a way to send multiple parallel requests(4-5) to the server and only using up one connection slot?

By this I mean I authenticate as the user "admin" for example. Max Connections for the user "admin" is set to 1 in this case. When I send multiple requests now only one returns a result, the other ones are getting back a 401 Error.
If I set Max Connections to 5 then everything works but it takes up multiple connection slots.
All the requests I send are using the same client and the same SessionID.

I hope someone can help me with this.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Use only one connection slot for multiple, parallel requests

Post by ascheevel »

What is the reason for limiting the connections? I believe the structure of parallel processing requires separate connections for each request in order to truly be parallel. For example, when I kick off parallel processes with RunTi, there will be one connection for each process running and that connection is tied up by that process. If you ask that connection to complete another task, it's going to wait until the current task is completed before moving on.
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